Bishop Kenneth W. Paramore is an anointed man of God. He was born, reared and educated in Youngstown, Ohio. He pursued his education further by relocating to Akron, Ohio where he received a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Akron, his Master’s Degree from Ashland Theological Seminary and his Doctorate of Ministry from United Theological Seminary.
While in Akron, Ohio he answered the call into ministry that he had received earlier in life. Fellowshipping with United Baptist Church, he would be taught and learn the ministry.
God blessed him and opened up numerous doors to be used. He served his first pastorate at Shiloh
Missionary Baptist Church, Akron, Ohio. God would later call him back to United Baptist Church, to serve as pastor.
While in revival in Chicago, Illinois, God spoke to him through a prophetic word, that he would be used in ministry in his native home of Youngstown, Ohio. He would immediately begin to plan and prepare for what God was going to do.
Upon hearing from God, he opened the Christian Revival and Discipleship Center. It started as a weekly bible study. The purpose was to rekindle the fire of the saints, who were disgruntled with the church and the people of God.
Once they were revived, then they would be ready to be a disciple and ready to work for the Lord. Under the guidance and direction of the Lord, this weekly bible study would develop into a church. God would speak again and ordain for CRDC to open in Canton, Ohio, which has now relocated to Barberton, Ohio. Bishop Paramore was blessed to serve at United and CRDC.
After serving at United for 15 years God released him and has blessed him to continue the ministry of
While attending a leadership conference in Alabama, God would speak again through a prophetic word. He prayed and God led him to change the name to The Christ Centered Church. While continuing to follow God, Bishop Paramore is currently leading and directing Christ Centered Church.
Bishop Paramore is the founder of Bradley Bible College. This is an accredited bible college that is named after one of his mentors Dr. I. T. Bradley. It is currently housed in Youngstown, Barberton, and Mansfield, Ohio.
In June of 2013, Bishop Paramore began fellowshipping with Kingdom Connection Fellowship International. He was consecrated to the office of Bishop in June of 2014. He served his Apostolic Father, Bishop Jerome H. Ross, Sr., by training the pastors, ministers, and elders in KCFI.
Bishop Paramore was released from his official assignment as the Bishop of the College of Ministers and Elders to initiate a reformation for this present age. LIFTED Reformation of Christian Churches of which he co-founded with several of his ministerial colleagues.
A great milestone was reached in his life as he is now a published author. She Cost Too Much is his first book that was released in September of 2015. Being Single Minded, was released in the summer of 2018 and Pandemic Preaching: Preaching The Gospel In Times Of Crisis! was released in 2021.
Bishop Paramore is married and the father of three children.
Mon to Thurs 9AM - 3PM